Claire Hubberstey


Before joining One Small Thing Claire was Chief Executive at Safer London, a charity supporting young people affected by violence and crime. Having joined Safer London as Director of Projects and Partnerships, Claire led the development of their specialist service delivery programmes.

Starting her working life as a secondary school teacher, Claire went on to work with vulnerable young people, specialising in delivery and management of services for runaways and sexually exploited young people with roles at both The Children’s Society and Department for Children Schools and Families (now Department for Education).

Claire has worked nationally and internationally as a consultant for local authorities, police forces, and other organisations providing strategic and operational support on missing and runaway children, sexual violence and exploitation, gangs and serious youth violence. 

Having worked in the public sector for over 13 years, Claire is an experienced conference speaker; she sits on a variety of government boards and advisory groups and is a Home Office Peer Reviewer supporting the Ending Gang and Youth Violence Programme. She previously sat on the Crown Prosecution Service Violence and Women and Girls Scrutiny Panel, Chaired by Dame Elish Angiolini. Claire has also served as a school governor in London..

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